Mushroom Hunting

At Camomplin we call it mushroom hunting, not picking, for good luck, Mushroom hunting is practiced from May till the end of October, sometimes even November, as demonstrated by the new species found here last November (2012) by me and a group of friends, that we baptized “Boletus Invernalis”. A network of informant will normally let me know where it is best  to go to hunt for mushrooms.
Although this is no guarantee that we will find any, it is certainly better than go blind !!  For this activity we travel to the Alps, anywhere between an hour and one hour and half away: great scenery and great trekking.
I will normally make sure that I keep in touch with you so you do not get lost. In any case you can always call me on the cell to let me know where you are. This activity will cost you a daily permit of about € 15.- charged by or tax hungry government, plus travel costs if any.